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Friend or Foe, They Need a Vehicle to Get There - You Should Know the Difference

ALPR (Automatic License Plate Recognition) systems are commonly thought of in three main categories. Make sure they paid for parking, the toll road needs it’s funding and law enforcement digging for Motorvehicle expired registration revenue. These systems clock in at $30K to north of $50K for each camera and the hardware you’ll need to run it. But not anymore. ALPR software that runs inside an IoT enabled Surveillance Camera is 31% to 64% of the cost you’d expect depending on the features you need, with ongoing costs reduced by as much as 73% when combined with a Cloud based LPR video management system. 

The Point of ALPR:

The promise of an ALPR system is quite basic in its nature. Read a plate, check it against a go, no-go list, and report the result. It’s the purest form of a yes / no answer you’re looking for, void of any bias, profiling, or other ill-intentioned actions - the “why” behind which list, white/black/BOLO is left outside of what you need to know, at the moment you need to know it. Email alerts sent to ticketing systems keep your operations working the way they have been without the need to plan for changeovers, training, and additional expenses. SMS alerts ensure you get the attention of the right person, and that they read what happened. Webhooks empower your team to continue to work together and save valuable time, eliminating the dreaded department of the redundancy department conversations, repeating the same information in less than exact words. All done for you through the proactive IPTECHVIEW cloud platform.

ALPR for Just the Basics:

Getting through the gate or opening the garage for you or your authorized visitors is a real pain, that becomes even more of an inconvenience when you have to call someone to let them in, be available to authorize their entry, or there a shift change and the person you spoke to already left for the day. It’s a headache. IPTECHVIEW’s ALPR-approved vehicle list makes it easy to add an authorized vehicle to enter or exit your property, all from the convenience of your smartphone. Just look up the vehicle by partial plate number, make, model, or color when they arrive, add the vehicle owner's name, select the “white list” and they are good to go. You can just as quickly remove access in seconds should you need to. Landscapers, regularly scheduled deliveries, housekeeping, and your best of friends can quickly enter at your discretion. 

ALPR for More at the Jobsite:

Running large-scale projects at locations where infrastructure is in process, like construction sites, can leverage ALPR at the edge with Cloud features that can be used for operational tasks when not running in security mode. You’ll know when at which entrance employees and contractors alike arrived and left before approving payment for work performed or overtime. Even the most honest of vendors make mistakes, and you can rest easy knowing you can trust while still verifying the finer details. Did three or four concrete trucks deliver today? A quick search of the ALPR database will let you know if you should pay out for four or the two trucks that actually showed up on Thursday, including the guy that was fired two weeks ago, prowling the yard at 2 AM. 

ALPR for Everything Public Safety:

As much as Law Enforcement can get bad press about privacy and playing big brother nanny state for expired registration, ALPR (when used intentionally) can save lives. Like the young girl who was kidnapped in Los Angeles County in early 2021, and was rescued by Police using ALPR on their patrol vehicles. ALPR picked up the plate of the parked van in a neighborhood in upstate NY. Alerting the officer of the BOLO (Be On The Lookout) hit in their database, this led to finding the minor before it was too late, which all started on the opposite coast of the country. IPTECHVIEW has Active Directory, API to API, and Webhook Connectors that allow information to be shared and queried from each independent ALPR IoT Camera, you Cloud Accounts’ Database Lists and report back to your entity’s API servers for cross-reference to larger systems like NCIC, CLETS and the like. With ACDC sync, keeping control of access stays in the hands of your primary Domain Controller, no matter where your forward operators are. 


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